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Be A Man

kelsie eala

For english, our assignment was to write about our perception of what it meant to be a man in Macbeth, compared to today, if we agreed or disagreed with how social media today, portrays men and the expectations of what it is to be a man. We also had to write about our opinions and what it means to us, on what it means to "being manly."

My perception of what it means to be a man in the world of Macbeth is to be strong, having courage to do things, to have a beard as showing the characteristics of a man and to not be wearing nightgowns as it shows to be of a woman characteristic. Macbeth and the perception of being a man compared to today is somewhat the same to me because everyone only expects men to have muscles, have the courage to do things out of the ordinary and only women wearing dresses, but also today, those expectations have been mostly disregarded because women have now proven that we can too be just as strong as men and have the strength and courage to do things. I disagree with the way modern media portrays men and the expectations they have to "live up to" because not all men can be strong and are able to do daring things. It is an expectation that is supposedly substantial for all men to have and for women to not carry these same characteristics, it is a false allegation that not everyone has to abide to everyday. To me, being manly is to have the courage to do anything you believe in, but also being able to face whatever fears you may have, for any gender. It is a discrimination towards both men and women because anyone could hold this type of characteristic for being who they truly are and not meaning to be all masculine like a man, but having the strength to do things that you may have never tried before or facing your fears.


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