1. Colors of 2 characters from Macbeth:

Masculine Femininity: this color is named "Masculine Femininity" because of how Lady Macbeth says how she wants to be stripped of her feminism so that she can have the guts to kill King Duncan. I chose the color blue because it can represent both the masculinity Lady Macbeth has wished for her to have and it also shows that she has authority in her.
Red Handed: this color is named "Red Handed" because it explains of how Lady Macbeth has blood on her hands from lying about not being involved in Duncan's death and the blood on her hands in her guilt. I chose the color red because it represents the blood on Lady Macbeth's hands and how she is later caught red handed from the crime she has committed, yet no one knows about.
With The Death Of Others: this color is named "With The Death Of Others" because of how she is guilty with the deaths of other people such as King Duncan and his guards. I chose the color black because to me it represents the death and evil Lady Macbeth has risen upon herself.

Happiness Under A Crown: this color is named "Happiness Under A Crown" because King Duncan was so happy and joyful as the king and everyone loved him being the king. I chose the color yellow because to me this represents the crown and happiness which is what King Duncan was like to everyone he had met. The yellow shows the happiness and good ruling within Duncan.
Trusty Loyalty: this color is named "Trusty Loyalty" because King Duncan is trusted by everyone as loyalty and everyone enjoys his company as a fun and peaceful king. I chose the color blue because it represents how everyone under the ruling of King Duncan had trusted him as their king. The blue also represents the calm and peace within Duncan.
Worthiness: this color is named "Worthiness" because of how King Duncan was worthy to be named king and had deserved it. Unlike Macbeth, Duncan was fit for the crown and everyone enjoyed his company and agreed that he should be king. I chose the color purple because it represents the royalty of King Duncan and how everyone had treated him with respect and he had the positions of authority.
2. Colors of 2 scenes from Macbeth:

"Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressèd brain?" Act 2 Scene 1 page 103
The Evil Within: this color is named "The Evil Within" because of how Macbeth felt the need to kill King Duncan. From this, Macbeth started hallucinating and saw a floating dagger, exposing the guilt and evil side of him from within. I chose the color black because there is evil within Macbeth which is part of him. The black represents the dark side of him taking over him slowly.
Empty Peace: this color is named "Empty Peace" because of how Macbeth saw the hallucination of a floating dagger and from this, it shows that he has this emptiness inside of him and that he has a quest to fulfill of killing King Duncan. I chose the color white because when Macbeth sees the dagger, it represents him slowly surrendering to his consciousness. The hallucination Macbeth has of the floating dagger makes him wonder if it is the right thing for him to do.
Summon Me Towards Evil: this color is named "Summon Me Towards Evil" because in this scene, Macbeth is being summoned by this imaginary dagger. Macbeth thinks that the dagger is summoning him to kill King Duncan, he thinks that it is a sign of him needing to do this evil deed. I chose the color red because in this scene, Macbeth sees a floating dagger which leads him to committing murder to Duncan, putting blood in Macbeth's hands. This puts Macbeth in a situation where his evil side comes to.

"Out, damned spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why then, 'tis time to do't. Hell is murky!-Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?-Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him." Act 5 Scene 1 page 241
Hazardous Walking: this color is named "Hazardous Walking" because Lady Macbeth sleepwalks without any awareness of her surroundings. She does not awake from sleepwalking and is unaware that there are others watching her and listening to what she is talking about, which is her admitting to being involved with the murder of Duncan. I chose the color yellow because it shows as Lady Macbeth's weakness and how it is a hazard for her, sleepwalking, as it reveals what she has done and is guilty for.
Truth Comes Around: this color is named "Truth Comes Around" because of how Lady Macbeth tries to keep the truth about Duncan's murder. But as Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking, she admits to the truth about knowing and being involved in King Duncan's murder. I chose the color blue because it represents truth, which is what Lady Macbeth is saying in her sleep. She outs herself of what she has done by talking in her sleep, making the situation difficult for her as she tells the truth of what she has done.
One Of A Death: this color is named "One Of A Death" because Lady Macbeth had known about Duncan's brutal murder. Lady Macbeth has blood on her hands and has been apart of something treacherous. This makes it something that she has wished upon and asked for it to happen with her planning leading it all. I chose the color red because it represents Lady Macbeth trying to get the non-existent blood off of her hands as she sleepwalks, recreating the part where she tries to get Duncan's blood off of her hands.
3. Color of the entire play:

No Peace In The Kingdom: this color is named "No Peace In The Kingdom" because of how in Macbeth, whoever is crowned king has no protection over themselves. King Duncan was killed, no protection against it happening to him and then Macbeth was killed as King because of how no one really liked him being crowned king so they overthrew him from the throne. I chose the color blue because it represents how when Duncan was murdered in the room he was staying in, he had no protection over himself from Macbeth since his guards were given something Lady Macbeth had put into their water, making them sleep. Duncan had no protection, giving him no way out of this.
Endangerment: this color is named "Endangerment" because of how no matter where anyone was in Macbeth, no one was safe from harm, making everyone endangered everywhere. I chose the color red because of the danger headed towards Duncan as he lay asleep.
Authority Of Position: this color is named "Authority Of Position" because of how there have become many king's in such a short amount of time. The place of king has been passed on the 2 others, making the authority of position confusing to overlook as it keeps changing from one person to another. I chose the color purple because it represented King Duncan's position of authority and how this authority of position keeps on going from person to person.